New Car Specials

Car Lease Specials at Anderson Ford, Lincoln & Anderson Mazda of Lincoln

Pay Less, Get More!

Get your next new car at a fraction of the price. We’d love to help you find the perfect car lease for you. With competitive car lease specials, the options are endless. Choose from a variety of models and body styles to fit your lifestyle. From sports cars to work trucks, there’s bound to be the ideal vehicle for you to drive away in.


Lease Deals in Lincoln, NE

At Anderson, we have a wide variety of cars for lease in the Lincoln, NE market and surrounding areas. Leasing a car with us means you can get that new car without the hefty price tag. Our team of professionals works diligently to ensure that you find the right car for you. Whether you’re looking for a vehicle for the whole family, or treating yourself to the car of your dreams, we’ll help you find the perfect one. Enjoy warranty security and a host of generous options to choose from at Anderson Ford in Lincoln, NE.


Anderson Ford in Lincoln is a full-service Ford dealership. We are proud to represent the Ford brand and serve Lincoln, NE and the surrounding markets. We offer a fully equipped service department with expert technicians, as well as a professional staff of sales professionals to assist you in all your car needs. Browse online and let us know how we can help you along the way.